I’ve recently visited a very dear friend, an insanely talented producer/songwriter by the name of Andy Nichol, who’s new studio, The Pistachio Palace, has just been completed. Remarkably, Andy has built the whole place by himself! From the concrete pouring to the decorating, the studio is the embodiment of Andy’s fantastic style, imagination and taste.
Conversion of a semi-detached house, the studio is a superbly homely space – inspiring, relaxing and motivating – and most importantly, it sounds great! Equally as important, it is home to Mabel – the out-of-this-world cute and smart half Yorkshire Terrier half Poodle doggy. What a special little pooch!
Taking my new Canon 5D MkIII with a Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 lens, the studio’s lighting and gorgeous colours lend themselves brilliantly to the camera. The Pistachio Palace looks and feels like a fairytale kind of a place.