The year continues with another outstanding show from The Second Echo and this time at the faithful local venue, Nambucca. Exactly a year ago I organised a similar show to combined entertainment from the band and a celebration of my birthday. Last year, I was left speechless by the turnout and beyond exhausted from organising everything on top of doing the live sound, build up and the break down after everyone has left. Never again! This time I was there to watch and enjoy the beautiful music in great company.
The boys did not disappoint with a fantastic sounding set which finished on my favourite song – The Ripples. When you get the album later this year, you’ll know why. Think of Pink Floyd’s The Great Gig in the Sky meets Led Zeppelin! I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Since my job as a producer and engineer is done now the album is finished, I get to spend more time with a camera taking photos at gigs. My Canon 5D MkIII was on me to take these snaps. Hope you like them!